CIKARANG _ The General Elections Commission (KPU) of Bekasi Regency (@kpukab_bekasi) made women and beginner voters a priority goal of continuing voter education program this year.
That statement was confirmed by Chairman of @kpukab_bekasi, Jajang Wahyudin, as he was holding a meeting with the head of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (DPPPA) of Bekasi Regency, Yuliadi Prihartono, in his office on Friday afternoon (28/3).
Jajang Wahyudin further stated that according to the General Commission Election of Indonesia (KPU RI), there are two agendas becoming the spotlight – voter education program and continuing voter data update.
“For this reason, we continue to coordinate with related OPDs, including the DPPPA, Education Authorities, Library and Archive Service, Department of Population and Civil Registration, and Department of Communication and Informatics,” he said.
Head of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (DPPPA), Yuliadi Prihartono,
Kepala DPPPA Yuliadi Prihartono welcomed the KPU’s move to determine women as the target of voter education, as it is relevant to the program of women empowerment.
“The expected impact is to increase the awareness of women to be aware of their rights and obligations as citizens. This is in line with efforts to increase women’s participation in democracy development,” Yuliadi claimed.
Meanwhile to the Archive and Library Service, Dedi Supriyadi said that his party was developing a digital library that could be used by @kpukab_bekasi to store static archives related to the implementation of the 2019 elections.
“This digital library can be utilized to store archives and electoral documents. Later the community will find it easier to get information as well as a medium for literacy and education,” Dedi said.
Commissioner for the Technical Division @kpukab_bekasi, Abdul Harits, added that his party also held an audience with the Ministry of Religion to build synergy of quality and integrity election programs.
Head of the Bekasi Regency Ministry of Religion, H. Shobirin, declared that the Ministry of Religion has a network of religious instructors and teachers who can be involved for socialization activities and political education.
"We really support the collaboration which is based on the spirit to educate the community. We hope we give more benefit to the people, "he said.
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